Laboratory Test Services
QRA is the preferred laboratory services partner for many multinational companies ranging from the biomedical, medical devices and high technology industries.
Our Lab is running 24 hours 7 days a week to ensure that product testing like accelerated testing or humidity and temperature testing are carried out in the highest standards according to the latest International Standards. We have more than 10 test chambers (fully calibrated) ready to perform top quality service to our clients with the strictest client-vendor confidentiality.
We can design and build the required test fixtures to operate your products under extreme environmental conditions, whether for single samples or thousands.
Environmental Testing Services:
Long duration Hot, Cold, or Thermal Cycling
Thermal Shock (ramp rates in excess of 50°C/min)
High Humidity Testing
High Ramp Rate Tests (ramps rates of 20°C/min)
Accelerated Life Testing
Large Dimension Testing (15 x 10 x 8 ft)
ESS – Environmental Stress Screening
and more!
QRA has experience with testing with the following industries and products:
Aeronautical / Aerospace / Defence
Contract Manufacturing
Renewable Energy (Solar Panels)
and more!
Temperature/Humidity Testing
​QRA International has more than 10 environmental chambers ranging in size from 1 cubic foot to over 1,000 cubic feet, covering temperatures from below -100°C to temperatures exceeding 200°C.
We can provide a wide range of temperature/humidity conditions on a variety of different product shapes and sizes, from extremely small to large products.
Our wide range of chambers allows us to customize your testing by utilizing the most efficient sized chamber based on your product size, allowing us to provide low-cost testing solutions.
QRA personnel can help you develop an environmental test program that best meets your temperature and humidity testing needs. We can design and build the required test fixtures to operate your products under extreme environmental conditions, whether for single samples or thousands.