Temperature and Humidity Tests are designed specifically to accelerate the aging of products under test. Higher temperatures (50° C and above) and higher humidity settings (60 -95%) can be programmed using environmental chambers.

Temperature and Humidity, with Bias Tests
Common tests conditions for Temperature and Humidity testing are 30 C / 60% rH,85 C,85% rH, and 70 C to 85% rH. During these stress tests, the samples are subjected to 500,1000 and more hours of these severe environmental conditions. For extended test durations, samples may be removed every 100,250,500 and 1000 hours to undergo strict visual functional and electrical testing.
Failures in the factory would then be recorded (in terms of yield), and if the batch shows a major failure after these tests, the entire batch is recalled and redesigned with more resilient component materials or robust moisture resistant housing. The factory failures typically save companies 80% to 90% of costs as compared to field failures, whereby the brand of the product may be severely tarnished.

Temperature and Humidity Bias
Temperature and Humidity Bias adds electrical bias to further accelerate the failure modes in time, therefore predicting product/design failure in a much reduced time frame.Biasing for temperature humidity is normally limited to a maximum of 100V and low to negligible power dissipation.
QRA Temperature and Humidity Chambers
Standard Specifications
Low Temp(s) : -80,-40,-20,0 C
High Temp(s) :150, 180 C
Temp Stability : +/- 0.5 C
Temp Uniformity : +/- 2 C
Heating Rate : 1 – 3 C / min
Cooling Rate : 0.5 – 2 C / min
Operating Humidity Range : 20 – 95%rH
Humidity Fluctuation : +/- 2% rH
Humidity Uniformity :+/- 3 % rH
TEMI (S Korea) LCD Touch Screen
Can store up to 100 programs, 100 lines
Digital Display of Set and Actual Temperature and Humidities
SD Card for Download of Actual Data
Model Internal Dimensions
QRS 80 | QRS 150 | QRS 225 | QRS 408 | QRS 800 | |
Height (mm) | 500 | 600 | 750 | 850 | 1000 |
Depth (mm) | 400 | 500 | 600 | 600 | 800 |
Width (mm) | 400 | 500 | 500 | 800 | 1000 |